The power of the natural world: why nature inspires our design

Have you ever sat and looked at an incredible view, or flower, or sunset and just breathed it in? I mean really looked at it, took a deep breath in and deep breath out. Did you feel healthier? Happier? Inspired? For me, this is why the natural world is so powerful. I feel so unbelievably calm and happy when surrounded by nature. It inspires me and fuels my imagination. As such, nature inspires my wedding designs and this blog post will outline how.

  1. The Colours

I guess the most obvious way nature can inspire is through colour. I said it in a previous blog post, but my Mum always says, ‘if in doubt, look to nature’. There’s a saying ‘blue and green should never be seen’. Most people stop speaking after that and don’t realise that the quote continues: ‘blue and green should never be seen, except with something in between’. And really that quote is a load of nonsense, anyway. The green grass of a horizon lined up against the blue of the sky - it’s not jarring, it’s wonderful. It’s all about the choice of shades. Or, as the saying goes, placing something in between. Maybe a pink? Blue, pink and green suddenly becomes a beautiful colour palette and one that is seen in nature all the time. Start with a photo, be it a sunset, waterfall, mountain, English garden - what colours can be seen? How can this form the basis of a nature-inspired luxury design-led wedding?

2.     The Textures

Equally as important to consider when designing luxury weddings is the texture. Velvet, linen, raw silk, soft cotton – mixing textures creates depth, beauty and an inviting space full of intrigue. Again, turning to nature inspires me in this realm. There is not just one texture in the natural world, but an array of contrasting and sometimes conflicting textures, that are still ever so beautiful. Let’s look at The Lake District, for example. The hard rocky landscape contrasts with the silky textures of the lakes, which contrasts again with the velvety flora. But none of it is out of place. In fact, it just makes the whole place more interesting. Using a variety of textures in a wedding has the same effect; creating an inviting space that is full of intrigue.  

3.     The Patterns

Why have a plain tablecloth, when you can have one covered in the most beautiful floral design? Don’t get me wrong, I love a plain coloured tablecloth and napkins, but there is something extra special about incorporating patterns into table linens. It elevates the whole design into one that is personal and a true reflection of you as a couple. And it doesn’t have to stop at table linens! From the furniture you choose, to the bridesmaids’ dresses, to the intricate design on the stationery – be brave and bold with pattern. And it is obvious to see how nature can inspire this. From a floral design to a bold stripe inspired by the stripe of a sunset sky, pattern can add depth and beauty to a design-led wedding.

4.     The Atmosphere

A wedding should have the most enticing, exciting, loved-up atmosphere. But it should also be a journey. A ceremony that feels as if time stands-still and nothing else matters except for the two people standing at the end of the aisle making a life-long commitment to one another. A drinks reception where the drinks are flowing, and the entertainment is starting to hint at what the evening party (or even after party) will be like. A candlelit dinner filled with laughter (and maybe the odd tear at the speeches) and chatting. And then a big, mega, super fun party where everyone is having the time of their lives. For me, being surrounded by nature takes me on this journey. But especially poignant, is the feeling of time standing still. And the ceremony is really the most important part of the day. So, if the atmosphere created can make it seem like nothing else matters, just like how I feel when surrounded by the natural world, then I will have done my job well.


"If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere." – Laura Ingalls Wilder


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